Things to know about Pools
How much do pools cost in Texas?
The average cost of installing a concrete swimming pool is $120,000 but the cost can be as low as $85,000 or as high as $400,000 depending on your specifications and location. Other types of swimming pools such as inground fiberglass pools cost $65,000 to $95,000. The installation process for factory made pools is in the region of 50% or more than the cost of the actual pool and ancillaries itself
How much is an inground pool in Austin Texas?
The average cost of an inground concrete gunite pool varies depending on a number of factors. On average, inground swimming pools in the Austin, TX area start at around $95,000-$135,000 for a basic swimming pool with deck off contract, not including permits and excavation. The prices can go up from there.
Will a pool add value to my home?
Real estate experts estimate that an average 14x28-foot inground concrete pool potentially adds 5 to 8 percent to the real estate value of your home. If your property is worth $400,000, you'll realize a boost to the value of your property of about $20,000 to $32,000.
Jul 26, 2019
How big is a Plunge Pool?
Because they can be built on-site like traditional pools, the size can vary widely. But plunge pools typically run from 6 1/2 to 10 feet wide and 10 to 22 feet long. The depth ranges from 5 1/2 to 7 feet, and the bottom is almost always flat. A plunge pool that is 10x20 feet is a popular size.
Do I have to have a fence around my pool in Texas?
Texas law requires pool owners to have a fence surrounding the pool or yard that is at least 48 inches high with no gaps between the pickets or the ground and bottom of the fence that are more than 4 inches wide. Chain-link fences or slats that can be climbed by children are prohibited.
May 18, 2021
Shipping Container Pools
Larger shipping containers modified into swimming pools can cost more than $50,000 to purchase. Then there's the delivery, craneage, set up, and install. Large container pools have about 300 square feet, but the space only expands lengthwise. Due to the lack of structural rigidity of an open container box design, container pools tend to be limited to 4-1/2' deep, although deeper options as possible with some major reinforcement options. Price do not include the cost of labor, electrical services, permits, foundations, water features, a deck, or fencing.
It is also true that not everyone wants to have a used shipping container in their yard. Many pool owners prefer a wider design with an open water space. The price of a large container pools is comparable to the cost of a concrete, or fiberglass swimming pool, but it comes down to how it looks, how much space you have, and how long can you wait.
Shipping container pools are waterproofed by a few varying methods; a waterproof paint, a fitted vinyl liner, or a fiberglass shell. An internal fiberglass shell is one of the most common methods of making container swimming pools, but fiberglass is a specialized material and expertise all in itself and so interfacing it with a steel container is a complex task. Spider cracks, delamination, buckling are all potential problems as well the container pool corrosion potential.
Considering that container pools are constructed out of repurposed shipping containers, it is really not possible to guarantee its lifetime. The manufacturer will modify the structure to ensure that their product will deliver on any and all promises that they make to customers, but guarantees are effectively impossible.
The container is made out of corrugated steel and steel will rust when exposed to moisture, oxygen, soil based corrosives, and steel to soil cathodic potentials. Rust is inevitable. This means that you should strongly consider cladding the outside with a barrier material, but this leaves the potential for hidden corrosion under the barrier, where inspection and discovery is difficult and may be too late to resolve, which is why a lot of container pools are advertised as above ground installations. Cathodic protection is an option, but a very complex and expensive undertaking in most cases.
Container pools should not or cannot be used with salt water systems, as the ionic structure of the salt water, the steel barrier, and the soil electrical potential will effectively turn your pool into a battery, causing rapid corrosion and certain destruction.
Above ground container pools also require a lot of energy to maintain an consistent useable swimming temperature, as the large steel sides emit or absorb heat, and exposure to the sun and other elements it can be complex and expensive to heat or cool as required. The temperature control operating costs of above container pools, above ground or sunken can be very expensive.
Temperature variations cause the entire container sidewall structure to expand and contract, creating fatigue stresses, leading to seam cracking, and freezing weather can lead to large corner cracks.
Care must be taken with container pool foundations. They have be solid and very flat as the container was originally designed for consistent flat surfaces and not have undulations in the foundation that can and will occur over time.
All steel pools are not the same.
Heres a list of sites and problems with container based pools.
How to DIY fix the rust in your modpool !!
Cinder Block nightmares
Cinder block pools are typically a DIY effort.
They are fairly cheap to make, but they have inherent problems, and should not be considered an engineered nor a professional solution.
Cinder blocks are construction materials designed for above ground use, vertical supports or retention walls. They are not water tight, and any water ingress will cause deterioration and total failure. To used cinder blocks as a pool material, they must be installed without grout, reinforced with metal rebar, concrete filled, and coated on all sides with specialized waterproof barrier costings, materials, or liners. Pool grout and internal coatings do not adhere to cinder block materials, and any attempt to coat cinder blocks with pool grouts will lead o water leaks, high running costs, and eventual total failure. Cinder block also have poor insulation R values, so temperature control is almost impossible. Internal surfaces and grout require constant upkeep. Any soil or ground movement will cause cracks and gaps in cinder blocks, opening the structure to water ingress and eventual total failure.
Process of Constructing a Pool in Austin, TX
It is always ideal to seek a professional that will help you construct a pool in your yard. This processing time will depend on the type of pool you have chosen. Most pool projects take 3 months minimum. In this case, we'll be talking about the process for the in-ground pool which is popular and mostly constructed in homes around Austin.
The process starts begins with designing and permitting. This can take up to one week. The design should be done via 3D modeling, Computer-Aided Design, or however your chosen professional works on it. Once you have the permits, which can take from 20-40 days and the final design for your pool, it is time for excavating. This is typically a quick process that can take up a few days. It could take up to a week if there are things that will affect the timing such as the utility lines and ease of access in your yard.
Next in the process is the plumbing, electrical, and steel installations. The process can take up to two weeks depending on the size, complexity, type of features you'll be having in your swimming pool. Once it has been all set, the next is to plaster your chosen material. You can choose from gunite, vinyl, fiberglass, and concrete for your pool. The installation takes up to three weeks. Again, depending on the size and depth of your swimming pool. This process is followed by landscaping and installing more custom features such as a deck, waterfalls, fountains, and anything that you can ever think of. Once that is finished, your pool is now ready to enjoy!
Why are pools so expensive?
Due to COVID, factory slowdowns and unprecedented demand for pool and spa products, there are large shortages in chemicals, parts, and equipment. ... Incredible demand and now the Texas freeze disaster will lead to major shortages of pool equipment.
Feb 23, 2021
Excavation and removal is expensive.
Find one of the national builders and have them provide you a bid. Austin, TX is just expensive for pools and not because of the limestone. A lot of the small builders don't have economy of scale. A basic backhoe with jackhammer attachment is around $800/day with crew. If it takes 14 days (liberal) to dig that is about $11,200 to dig the hole. It took them about 8 days to dig our hole and it rained for 2 days. If they use subs they will pay the sub $11K and then have to charge you $22K for the hole. The sub is paying the guys + depreciation in the realm of 5K. If you can get a builder that doesn't use sub contractors, they can cut out one layer of gross margin. Every layer needs about 40% gross margin. So I would say your floor is around $40,000 if you live on limestone.
The rest of the pool should be about $90,000 to $120,000.
A general guide to the costs associated with the permitting process:
Here is a schedule or permit fees from City of Austin:
The City permit fees for a pool permit and associated permits in the Austin area are in the $600-700 region, out with the fees for collecting, checking, entering, and submitting the permits. This fee varies according to how much existing data we can source.
A general guide to the costs associated with the survey:
Here is a general guide to the costs associated with the house drawings
Why Are Pool Prices Increasing?
Factor in industry-wide supply shortages, manufacturing delays, and logistical issues along with the big rise in demand for pools, and you end up with higher prices for materials, and therefore, higher costs to build a new pool. So it is simple supply and demand.
Apr 30, 2021
How Much Value Does a Pool Add in Dallas Texas?
In DFW, the estimated value-add of a pool is currently $30,829 compared to $22,258 in pre-COVID times – an increase of 39%.
May 6, 2021
"If you live in a warmer climate like Florida or Texas, it can increase your property value and make it more likely to sell your home” notes Casey. “Coastal or resort communities with vacation home rentals allow owners with swimming pool properties to command higher rental rates than nearby properties without them".
Jul 16, 2020
"In Pool sound systems
Audiophiles can’t go anywhere without high-performance sound — not even, it seems, under water. For the hi-fi enthusiast with cash to spare, piping music into a swimming pool is a no-brainer.
Built-in underwater speakers are another example of how resorts are influencing the residential pool. Having experienced immersive audio at Disney and Hard Rock properties, vacationers, understandably, want to recreate the experience in their own backyards.
The bad news: It’s expensive.
Underwater speakers can fetch upwards of $1,500 each, and larger pools will require at least two. Plus, your clients will need an amplifier and mixer, and they’ll likely want to integrate underwater speakers into the overall outdoor sound system for uninterrupted tunes in and out of the pool. It’s not a small investment.
But for some consumers, cost is of no consequence, which is why audio equipment manufacturers say they’re making inroads into the residential arena.
“For a lot of these high-end pools, $20,000 is nothing when they’ll spend $60,000 on a ramp or walkway or fake tree,” says Edward Harper, owner of Oceanears in North Canton, Ohio.
SteelPool..built in for nothing